OCYP Online Office Hours are times when you can get online with Dr. John Pendergrass and Deacon Ramon Ferrer to ask questions, share insights, schedule onsite visits, and have any conversation as if you knocked on the door of an office and walked in! There is no agenda, there are no scheduled topics. You may meet others at the online gathering, or you may login just for a quick question. OCYP Online Office Hours are a place to “talk shop” with your peers. Drop By Tuesdays at 1:00pm!

OCYP Online Office Hours are times when you can get online with Dr. John Pendergrass and Deacon Ramon Ferrer to ask questions, share insights, schedule onsite visits, and have any conversation as if you knocked on the door of an office and walked in! There is no agenda, there are no scheduled topics. You may meet others at the online gathering, or you may login just for a quick question. OCYP Online Office Hours are a place to “talk shop” with your peers. Drop By Tuesdays at 1:00pm!

Proceeds from the Community Yard Sale will benefit the restoration of the Infant of Prague Catholic School chapel. Shopping from 8am to 2pm. Indoor and outdoor spaces are available. This event is rain or shine! Reserve your vendor space today!

Flyer (PNG)

Project Rachel of Central and Eastern North Carolina is a post-abortion healing ministry. Women, men, and families who are suffering the devastating effects of participation in abortion are offered spiritual and psychological help to find forgiveness and reconciliation with God, family members and their aborted children. 

9:30 AM Hospitality

10:00 AM Sessions

12:30 PM Lunch and Discussion

Deadline for registration is Thursday, October 24, 2024

The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage as the nation faces the lowest number of people giving blood in 20 years. Your blood donation is needed now to help alleviate the shortage and ensure lifesaving medical procedures are not delayed. Infant of Prague Catholic Church will host a blood drive on Sunday, February 4, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visit the American Red Cross online to schedule your donation.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Fayetteville, NC, will host a training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees and those in leadership positions with children and youth. This session is for either initial safe environment training or for those needing the 5-year renewal. To register, please email Mark Gronski at mark.gronski@seasfay.org.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Fayetteville, NC, will host a training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees and those in leadership positions with children and youth. This session is for either initial safe environment training or for those needing the 5-year renewal. To register, please email Mark Gronski at mark.gronski@seasfay.org.

Sesión para Coordinadores y Catequistas del RICA en español-Rito de Elección


Se acerca el tiempo de cuaresma y, como catequistas del proceso RICA, debemos estar informados de los ritos que se realizan en este tiempo litúrgico, especialmente con los catecúmenos. Además, en esta sesión estaremos compartiendo información importante que debe saber al llegar a la Catedral, durante y después del Rito de Elección.


Usted podrá acceder a esta reunión mediante el enlace que aparece a continuación:

Join the Vocations’ Office for a pilgrimage of the Diocese of Raleigh. The pilgrimage is open to all young men (ages 18 and older) in the Diocese of Raleigh who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. Our pilgrimage will give you an experience of the dynamic reality of the priesthood in the Diocese of Raleigh. During our pilgrimage, you will have an opportunity to connect with several priests and seminarians of our diocese while we visit different parishes.

Please join Bishop Zarama as he leads a Holy Hour to pray for our priests and for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life. A reception to follow the Holy Hour at the Cathedral Parish Center.