Bulletin Announcements


Use this form to submit a bulletin announcement or social media post:

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Many parishes prepare and print their bulletins 2-3 weeks in advance, while others prepare them the week of distribution. This page is continually updated with new announcements as they are submitted. To ensure announcements are available to the largest number of parishes, please submit announcements 3 weeks before the date they should appear in parish bulletins. Announcements will remain on this page until their timeliness has passed.

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Parish Event Calendar

Publicize your parish events on the diocesan website in our parish event calendar.

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News tips and event coverage requests

Parish communicators: We want to hear from you!

Please send us your news tips and event coverage requests.


The diocesan directory is updated at the beginning of each month. You must be logged in to see it. If you need the password or see an error, email OfficeofCommunications@raldioc.org.


Please also consider sharing these announcements via your parish social media accounts.

Retiro Mariano

El ministerio hispano de la parroquia Sta. Catalina de Siena Wake Forest te invita a un retiro Mariano con el Padre Raul Wilibardo Agrego Rodriguez directamente de El Salvador y ministerio de alabanza Renovación Misionera de la parroquia de San Rafael. Este retiro sera el 25 y 26 de mayo. Porfavor de contactar a Xenia Del Cid a 919-570-0070 o 919-900-0139. Entrada por tique solamente.

Flyer (PNG)

Diocese of Raleigh Kateri Circle

Our Kateri Circle meetings are a great opportunity to join in prayer and fellowship with Native Catholics, and provide a space to learn about Native American spirituality and the culture of our indigenous tribes. These monthly meetings are open to everyone and held on behalf of Catholic Native Americans and friends.

Our next meeting is May 14 at 7:30 PM ET. Feel free to invite friends and family. Email your name to our staff at nac@aamendor.org, OR fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/r/zQcJmSeZvF to sign up and receive a Zoom link.

May flyer (PNG)

General flyer (PNG)

Retrouvaille Spanish Program

Dear bulletin editor / pastor,
A marriage saving weekend in Spanish is coming July 19-21. Please help families in your community. Most couples across the nation who have attended Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) tell us they learned about this program from their weekly bulletin. Many are afraid to ask their pastor or friends for help with their marriages. Others are just hoping time will make things better.

They tell us that seeing the program announced repeatedly in their bulletin gave them the courage to pick up the phone and make the call. Most say that Retrouvaille was the lifeline that helped their marriage and their family. You are our lifeline to them! By running the announcement below of the upcoming Retrouvaille weekend now and continuing to run it every week (if possible), you give troubled marriages and their hurting families a chance to heal. We thank you in advance!

Sev & JP Boutrand

Ayuda Matrimonial - Retrouvaille (pronunciado retro-vi) ha ayudado a decenas de miles de parejas en todas las etapas de desilusión o miseria en su matrimonio. Este programa también puede ayudarte a ti. Para obtener información confidencial o inscribirse en el programa de verano en español que comienza con un fin de semana del 19 al 21 de julio, llame al 305-915-4607 (español e inglés) o envíe un correo electrónico a: retrouvailleraleigh@gmail.com o visite el sitio web en HelpOurMarriage.com.

Flyer 1 | Flyer 2 | Flyer 3 (PDF)

Laudato Si' in a Year

'Laudato Si' Encyclical in a Year' is designed for those who have not read it, not read it in its entirety or would like a general revisit. There are 2 ways to participate according to your needs: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month, starting on May 21st, by Zoom, 7-8 p.m., or Flocknote text/email correspondence. We are preparing ourselves to celebrate during the Jubilee Year the 10-year anniversary of Laudato Si': On Care of our Common Home encyclical, the Laudato Si' Movement and the 800-year anniversary of the Canticle of the Creatures. To join or for further information, email Monica through the Office of Human Life, Dignity and Justice at HNOJ Cathedral: socialconcern@hnojnc.org.

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The Father Tighe Golf Memorial Event Benefiting the Seminarian Partnership Program

We would like to extend an invitation to join us this year to raise awareness and build community in support of vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Raleigh, in memory of Father Tighe. Please join us on Monday, May 20, 2024, for a 9:30 a.m. shotgun start at the Longleaf Golf and Family Club, 10 Knoll Rd, Southern Pines. $175 per player or $650 per foursome. For more information on player registration or sponsorship opportunities, scan the QR code or contact Donna at 919-568-1067 or donna@foundationdor.org.

QR code (JPG)

Bulletin announcement with QR code and logo (PDF)

Flyer (PDF)

Post-abortion Healing Retreat

Bulletin Editors: Please publish in parish bulletins (both Spanish and English) each weekend in the months of March, April and May 2024. Participants tell us that they were encouraged to reach out when they saw the announcement published frequently in the bulletin. Project Rachel Post Abortion Healing Retreat June 14-16, 2024. If you desire healing from a past abortion, you are invited to experience the love of Jesus Christ at a Project Rachel weekend retreat June 14-16, 2024, in the Raleigh area. The weekend retreat is strictly confidential, for both women and men and includes discussions, spiritual exercises, the sacrament of reconciliation, a Memorial Service, and a Mass of the Resurrection. Participation offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. For more information or to register for the retreat, contact Project Rachel at: project.rachel@raldioc.org or call (919) 852-1021. The website is: rachelnc.org. Cost is $200 for lodging, meals, and all retreat materials. Discount of $50 for early registration. Discount of $50 if you register before May 10. Spanish and English speakers are welcome. If there is a financial burden, assistance is always available.

Proyecto Rachel Post Aborto Retiro de Sanación 14-16 de junio del 2024.
Si deseas sanar los efectos de un aborto, estás invitada a experimentar el amor de Jesucristo en un retiro de fin de semana del 14 al 16 de junio del 2024, en el área de Raleigh.  El retiro es estrictamente confidencial, tanto para mujeres como para hombres, e incluye discusiones, ejercicios espirituales, el sacramento de la reconciliación, un servicio conmemorativo y una misa de resurrección. Este retiro ofrece una hermosa oportunidad para experimentar el amor, el perdón y la compasión de Dios. Para información o inscripción, comunícate a: project.rachel@raldioc.org o al número telefónico (919) 264-5892. El sitio web es: rachelnc.org. El costo del retiro es de $200 por persona incluye alojamiento, comidas y todos los materiales del retiro. Ofrecemos un descuento de $50 si te registras antes del 10 de mayo. Los participantes que hablan español e inglés son bienvenidos. Si tienes problemas económicos, ofrecemos asistencia financiera.

Power & Purpose Conference

St. Mary Magdalene Church in Apex is traveling to Franciscan University of Steubenville June 14-16 for an adult Catholic conference. Come learn from great speakers and hear more about the power of the Holy Spirit. We will be traveling via coach bus and would love for you to join us! Learn more at steubenvilleconferences.com. Reserve your spot today by contacting Laura Werner at lwerner@franciscan.edu, 919-889-9904. @go2steubenville

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Pilgrimage of Eastern North Carolina for Young Adult Men

Join the Vocations’ Office June 28-30, 2024, for a pilgrimage of the Diocese of Raleigh. The pilgrimage is open to all young men (ages 18 and older) in the Diocese of Raleigh who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. Our pilgrimage will give you an experience of the dynamic reality of the priesthood in the Diocese of Raleigh. During our pilgrimage, you will have an opportunity to connect with several priests and seminarians of our diocese while we visit different parishes. Get details and register at NCPriest.org/events.

Flyer / ad image (PDF)

Quo Vadis Men's Retreat for High School Juniors and Seniors

Join the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Raleigh for Quo Vadis, a young men's retreat for high school juniors and seniors who want to grow closer to God, July 22-24, 2024, at Camp Monroe in Laurel Hill, NC. Get details and register at NCPriest.org/events.

Flyer / ad image (PDF)

Rally and March for Life

26th Annual Rally & March for Life WE WELCOME ALL PRO-LIFERS TO ATTEND THIS FREE EVENT! We encourage you to organize groups to attend and march under an identifying banner to represent your church, school, or community.

May 18, 2024 Location: Halifax Mall, the grassy area behind the NC General Assembly Building Start Time: 12:45pm , Youth Rally

Free Parking Addresses: Green Square Parking Deck 120 W Edenton St. Raleigh, NC 27603

NC Museum/Government Center Parking Lot 101 N Wilmington St Raleigh, NC 27601

Ad Image (PNG)

Marian Shrines Pilgrimage with Bishop Zarama

Please run this ad in your bulletins for the upcoming pilgrimage, Sept. 27-Oct. 8, to the Marian Shrines of Portugal, Spain and France, in celebration of the diocesan centennial anniversary.

Marian Shrines Pilgrimage bulletin ad (PDF) 

Recovering Our Soul Connections

Recovering Our Soul Connections: A Retreat for Women Who Have Been Sexually Abused June 20-23, 2024, at Well of Mercy – Hamptonville, NC The retreat, which includes an exploration of Sacred Scripture, music, movement, expressive arts, mutual support, and liturgy, will begin at 6 PM on Thursday and end at noon on Sunday. Over a period of two months prior to the retreat you will meet with a spiritual director to build a supportive relationship.

For more information, or to request an application, please email soulconnection366@gmail.com, or visit Recovering Our Soul Connections on Facebook. Applications will be accepted until the retreat is full. Subsidies from the Diocese of Raleigh, the Catholic Community of St. Thomas More, Chapel Hill, and the North Carolina State Court of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas make this retreat possible. Cost to retreatants is $200.

Flyer (PDF)

NC Catholics Caring for Our Common Home

You are invited to join the new diocesan NC Catholics Caring for Our Common Home. Pope Francis reminds us that: “The environment is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all…. We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world.” Raleigh Diocese parishioners have heard the pope’s message and responded to his call by forming North Carolina Catholics Caring for our Common Home (NCCCCH). Our mission is to inspire and mobilize the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice with the urgency the times require. Our members work within their parishes, deaneries, and with other groups throughout the Raleigh diocese to promote and engage in an integral ecological approach that recognizes everything is connected. We are looking to expand our coalition with new members and exciting diocese-wide programs. The excitement is building a new way of living. To join, please contact Deacon Joshua Klickman at: Deacon.Joshua.Klickman@DeaconsDOR.org.

Courage / Encourage

Courage is a Roman Catholic apostolate which ministers to persons, both men and women, who experience same-sex attractions and desire support to live the Catholic Church’s teaching on chastity. The local chapter of Courage in the Diocese of Raleigh can be reached confidentially at courage@couragenc.org, or 984-900-3212.

EnCourage is a related program for the loved ones – parents, siblings, spouses, or children – of persons who experience and act on same-sex attractions. These chapters meet separately from Courage chapters, but with similar aims to devote their whole lives to Christ and the life of grace, and so to be a good example to their loved ones and to the world. The local chapter of EnCourage meets monthly and can be reached at encourage@couragenc.org, or 984-900-3212.

The Foundation of the Diocese of Raleigh on Social Media

Follow The Foundation of the Diocese of Raleigh on all of our social media accounts and stay up to date on our Estate Planning in-person seminars or online webinars! We also serve as a Planned Giving resource, providing guidance on ways to experience the joy of giving today while building a lasting faith-based legacy of stewardship and generosity.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foundationdor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefoundationdor Twitter: https://twitter.com/@FoundationDORnc LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-foundation-of-the-roman-catholic-diocese-of-raleigh

Follow the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Education on Social Media

For the latest on Catholic education in the Diocese of Raleigh, follow and like the diocesan Office of Education on our new social media accounts!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catholicschoolsnc or @catholicschoolsnc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catholicschoolsnc or @catholicschoolsnc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dorofficeofed @DOROfficeofEd

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/diocese-of-raleigh-office-of-education or #catholicschoolsnc

Employment Opportunities

Visit the Diocese of Raleigh Employment Opportunities page for current job listings at diocesan offices, parishes and schools, as well as some regional positions: dioceseofraleigh.org/employment.